• 炉边阅读


    推荐六本小说和七本非小说类书籍. 快乐的阅读!



    伊丽莎白·佐特是一个很有天赋的化学学生, pursuing a graduate degree in 1961 when she runs into the pervasive sexism of the era that prevents her from advancing in her degree 和 relegates her to a job well beneath her intelligence. 一个偶然的机会, 她被邀请主持一档日间烹饪节目, 她坚持要在化学课上这么做, 这让她的电视制片人很懊恼. 这部小说对20世纪五六十年代的性别歧视进行了敏锐的批判, a reminder of how much talent goes to waste in a world of prejudice 和 discrimination. But this is also a hilarious romp as the often oblivious Elizabeth Zott becomes a true hero. 你会喜欢这本书的.


    Dustin Chambers goes into prison for twenty years for a robbery he unwittingly joined, 并以卡洛塔的身份回到他(她)的布鲁克林社区, 一个transwoman. 她的朋友和家人一开始没认出她来, 她的儿子不想和他的父亲有任何关系,他的父亲现在是一个女人. Snapshots of Carlotta’s previous life 和 her struggles to rejoin a world she hardly recognizes are poignant commentary on how we treat the marginalized in our society, 和一个黑人, 有重罪的变性人是最被边缘化的. 但卡洛塔勇敢、坚定、搞笑,就像这本小说一样. 不要让这个标题欺骗了你:你会深深地关心卡洛塔.


    阿尔梅达出生于17世纪末的一个奴隶th 世纪巴西. 她嫁给, 她的丈夫跑去和葡萄牙人作战了, 阿尔梅达逃到了一个叫做帕尔马雷斯的奴隶逃亡种植园. From there, she travels across Brazil looking for her husb和, guided by a mystic. 作者在语言之间转换, 回忆是碎片式的, 神秘人物出现又消失. 这是幻想,这是诗歌,这是天才.


    这是一个深思熟虑的, even-paced novel that raises big philosophical questions through the life of very common man. Rol和 is sent to boarding school as a child, feeling ab和oned by his parents. 一个钢琴老师猥亵了他, 看似, 罗兰在他的青少年时期享受这种性关系. Rol和 was not exactly complicit, he was only 14 at the time, but he was also a willing participant. 四十年后, 警察找到他,要他帮忙立案起诉那位教师, 和 Rol和 has to wrestle with helping them prove the sexual assault or facing his own feelings about the relationship. The second plot thread involves Rol和’s German wife who disappears a few months after their son is born. Rol和 files a missing person report, but is content to let the police try to find her, or not. 她最终以著名作家的身份浮出水面, 她一直以来的野心, 和 it raises the question of whether she would have been successful had she stayed with Rol和 和 their son, 或者这是否重要. 罗兰是一个平凡的人, 带着生活中常见的失望和对生活中所有事件的被动, 但他仍然表示同情, 和 McEwan has crafted (another) beautiful novel that pulls on our emotions 和 challenges our beliefs.


    Kiara是东奥克兰的一个17岁的女孩, 在不可能的情况下努力维持生活. 她父亲死在监狱里, 她的母亲目前正在监狱服刑, 她的哥哥找不到工作,因为他想成为一名说唱歌手. Kiara在邻居9岁的男孩被母亲遗弃后收留了他, 而凯拉急需钱, 于是她开始卖淫. She becomes the favorite of some Oakl和 police, who pimp her out for their parties. 这部小说的灵感来自一个真实的故事, 但这完全是一部原创作品, 值得注意的是, 20岁作家的处女作. 同理心是关键, as we are both shocked by the constant struggles 和 sympathetic to Kiara’s determination to survive. If Leila Mottley can write like this at the age of 20, she has a very bright future.


    诗歌是智利的民族痴迷,曾产生过两位诺贝尔奖得主. 赞布拉用诗歌来解释智利的集体特征, 主要不是作为悲剧, 尽管提到皮诺切特时代的恐怖令人心酸, 但更多的是喜剧, as a group of young poets try to make their marks on the national conscience. 这是通过冈萨洛的故事来讲述的, 有抱负的诗人, 他对卡拉的爱, 谁更喜欢阿根廷足球运动员, 还有卡拉的儿子维森特, 谁最终也成为了一个有抱负的诗人. 他们的关系是这个美丽故事的核心, 沉浸在对诗歌的痴迷中这赋予了他小说的天赋.



    什么是智力?? 它的目的是什么? 格雷格 purposefully challenges our assumptions about the superiority of human intelligence. 大多数动物都满足于习得的联想.e., 一个行动导致另一个行动, but humans are uniquely obsessed with causal inference, 为什么 一个行动导致另一个行动. 这使我们能够解码基因组, 但它也常常导致超出我们需要或理解的野心. 通过驯化自然世界, 例如, 我们正在播下它(和我们)毁灭的种子. 我们真的有多聪明? 格雷格 gives the example of pigeons that were able to identify malignant tumors more accurately than radiologists. 鸽子显然不懂x光和肿瘤, 但是他们的视力很好,他们可以看到我们看不到的东西, 在这种情况下, “看”是指视觉,而不是“看”是指理解, 和 does it matter if they are able to spot malignancies better than humans. 用机智和智慧, 格雷格, 海豚交流专家, 要求我们以一种比我们习惯的更广泛的方式来看待智力. 你得喜欢这个头衔.


    Adrian Hong is a Korean-American from Los Angeles who is moved by stories of the oppression in North Korea 和 dedicates his life to rescuing escapees. 他那非凡的故事是以疯狂的节奏讲述的. 我们对艾德里安的牺牲感到惊讶, 对世界其他国家的失败感到愤怒, 尤其是美国政府, 做更多的事情来帮助这些被奴役的人. 一部真实的惊悚片.


    This is Margo Jefferson’s memoir about growing up among the elite class of African-Americans in Chicago. She uses her personal stories as a window to the expectations 和 mores of this 特权d class, 但也超越了, 更广泛的社会. 例如,她区分了 特权, 这是她的家人和朋友所拥有和奋斗的东西吗, recognizing that ultimately this 特权 could be withheld or withdrawn by the larger white society, 和 权利这是白人享有的不可改变的条件. She captures the tension between how she was expected to behave, to achieve, a version of 贵人应有的品德, 和 the undeniable fragility of her, 和 her social group’s, st和ing in broader society. 她反复思考yabo亚博网站登录首页种族的伟大作家——道格拉斯, 杜波依斯, 鲍德温和其他人,以及她与这些作家的个人关系. 她问. “你是如何使你独特的、任性的自我适应这么多的历史和神话的?“对我们每个人来说都是一个问题.


    俄罗斯是一个不容忽视的国家, 菲格斯为我们提供了一千年俄罗斯历史的入门读物, 事实和神话都有. 他把普京放在历史背景中, 重要的是, 有助于我们理解如何与后普京时代的俄罗斯互动. This is a clear, but comprehensive history, 和 an excellent guide to underst和ing Russia.

    远离混乱Gilles Kepel

    Kepel is perhaps the world’s leading scholar on Middle East history 和 politics. 这本书是几年前的了, but it provides an excellent primer in underst和ing the dynamics of this complex region in fluid prose. 该地区的杰出历史.


    Kempe makes the compelling case that the Berlin crisis of 1961 was the seminal moment in the Cold War, 甚至超过了古巴导弹危机, 他将此与前一年的柏林危机直接yabo亚博网站登录起来. Kempe provides exhaustive research on the day-by-day events that is as disturbing 和 thrilling as any action film. 他提出了肯尼迪本可以做的假设, enticing us with the prospect that the history of Europe 和 the world might have developed very differently had the Americans pushed back against the Wall. A deeply-researched, riveting account of this critical historical moment in time 和 place.


    "每一种病态障碍, 每一个治疗效果, finds its ultimate explanation only when it’s possible to designate the specific living cellular elements involved.” In other words, the cell is at the center of every disease 和 medical breakthrough. 慕克吉向我们讲述了这个组织的历史, 以及它的发现历史, 和 shows us how our underst和ing of cellular biology has transformed therapeutics. 如果这听起来枯燥而学术化,请放心,事实并非如此. 慕克吉是一位领先的癌症医生和研究人员, 但他也是一位美丽的作家(2011年普利策奖得主) 百病帝国高度推荐). Mukherjee combines the excitement of the medical advances that are certain to come with the humility that there is much we don’t underst和. 没有比慕克吉更好的医学研究指南了.


